The Yellow Wizard
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Let's Play Wizardry

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1Let's Play Wizardry Empty Let's Play Wizardry Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:46 pm


Golden Cat Lord
Golden Cat Lord



Let's Play Wizardry Bane_intro_pane_zps76a83dfd

Hello and welcome to my Let's Play of Wizardry VI! I have decided to bring my pathfinder friends along with me on this exciting adventure into parts unknown.

I'd say in no particular order, but it will be in some particular order when it's in.. order.. so here are the party!

Meet Alby: Let's Play Wizardry Bane_alby1b_zps380c4475

Don't let this muscular elf samurai's good looks fool you, he's no gentleman. When he's not swooning the ladies, he's chopping up the bad guys, and throwing fireballs in people's faces.

Then there's Raven: Let's Play Wizardry Bane_raven1b_zpsb29902a0

Her lithe elf body is a deadly machine! She's a Valkyrie and one of the very best warriors this side of the galaxy. When she's not hanging out with her team she's usually trying to find a good game to watch, and drinking out of strange fountains. U know.

Next there's Astra: Let's Play Wizardry Bane_astra1b_zpsf652c012

This little faerie is mean! She grew up watching Bruce Lee movies, and started training as a ninja when she was 6 years old. She is still a Ninja ninja! Ninja

It's time to get to know Quark: Let's Play Wizardry Bane_quark1b_zps0c515eef

A Rawulf Lord and part time house-pet from the intergalactic space junkyards of.. Lost, Scotland. He is the party's best friend, providing a healing touch in times of need, and deadly skill with the blade in times of combat.

Now say hello to Gaszi: Let's Play Wizardry Bane_gaszi1b_zpsa8734df7

A space creature from Dimension X, known as a Mook. Gaszi is the biggest, baddest ninja there ever was! He is the reason why the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles never got out of their teens. Ninja He decided to come along for his crack at the Cosmic Forge and to open doors. Let's see what he wants when he gets his furry hands on the cosmic pen. Ninja

And finally there is Rod: Let's Play Wizardry Bane_rod1b_zps2a1e632e

Felpurr Samurai and Captain of the spaceship The Centennial Eagle. He was abandoned as a cub, and raised by scoundrels, the kitten didn't fall far from the basket either. He assembled his crew of adventurers one night at a diner at the edge of the Wizardry Galaxy. It seemed everyone pretty well knew something different about the Cosmic Pen.. Rod was there because there were rumors it was used to write some of the graffiti on the bathroom walls there.. and it looked like it was.

Let's Play Wizardry Bane_cosmic_bathroom_zpsfdf4cd32

And so begins our mysterious adventure into the world of Wizardry VI and beyond.

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